All the important input information must be collected from various sources such as Client, Process Licensor, External Agencies, Government Database etc. so that a proper plot plan can be developed.
- Information about process Units.
- Utility Requirements of the Plant.
- Storage Tanks Requirements and Stored Fluids.
- Capacity and type of LPG Storage Tanks Sizes, Pressure and Temperatures of Pressurized Storage Vessels.
- Product receipt / despatch and mode of transport (rail, road and pipeline).
- Warehouses, storage areas for solid products such as petroleum coke, petroleum wax, sulfur, bitumen / asphalt etc and other open storage areas like scrap yards and dumping ground.
- Requirement of Chemical / Toxic Storage.
- Hazardous Waste Storage and Disposal.
- Flares.
- Service Buildings, Fire Station and Fire Training Ground.
- Meteorological Data.
- Bathymetric data (high tide level, surge wave height etc.) for installations in coastal areas.
- Seismic Data.
- Highest flood level in the area, water table, natural sterams/canals.
- Approach roads to main plant areas.
- Aviation Rules and Regulations, Height Considerations.
- Dangers posed to and posed by adjacent facility, in an industrial complex.
- Consideration for the local environment.
- Statutory Obligations of the local governing body.