Olets are branching fittings made by Bonney Forge. Olets offer an alternate means of connecting into the main run and do not require reinforcement. Olets are pre-shaped to the curvature of the run pipe. Flat based weldolets are available for connecting to pipe caps and vessel heads.
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Olets are generally used for branching on high pressure and high temperature applications. Maximum allowable pressure of a fitting is same as for connected straight seamless run pipe of equivalent material.
Available Olet Fittings are :
- Weldolet
- Elbolet
- Sockolet
- Threadolet
- Sweepolet
- Latrolet
- Nipolet


Dimensional Standard
Major dimensional standard used is :
MSS-SP-97 : Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings – Socket Welding, Threaded, and Buttwelding Ends.
Fittings Classes as per this standard are :
- Standard : Buttwelding : 1/8″ to 24″, for connecting STD thk Pipe.
- Extra Strong : Buttwelding : 1/8″ to 24″ for connecting Extra Strong Pipe
- Schedule 160 : Buttwelding : 1/2″ to 6″ : for connecting Schedule 160 Pipe
- 3000 : Threaded and Socket Welding : 1/8″ to 4″ : for connecting Extra Strong Pipe
- 6000 : Threaded and Socket Welding : 1/2″ to 2″ : for connecting Sch 160 Pipe.
Materials of Construction
These fittings are forged fittings. So they are made from the same materials as Flanges and Socket Weld Fittings.
- A105 : Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications.
- A181 : Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings, for General-Purpose Piping.
- A182 : Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service.
- A350 : Standard Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping Components.
Sample Piping Material Specification.
- Element : Nippolet , Elbolet , Latrolet , Sockolet and Weldolet
- Length : 75 mm (Nipolets only)
- Material : CS : ASTM A105
- SS: ASTM A182 Gr. F304L
- Class : 3000 (Only for Small bore branches)
- Ends : Nippolet : Plain Ends
- Sockolet : SW Ends
- Elbolet : BW Ends
- Latrolet : SW, BW Ends as per branch size.
- Weldolet : BW Ends
- Dim. Standard : MSS-SP-97