There many shapes and sizes of storage tanks. Their choice depends on type of product to be stored, fire potential of product and amount of product to be stored.
In this article, we will discuss the most common type of vessels found in process facilities.
Cone-Roof Tank
This low-pressure fixed roof tank and is used for countless products, including petroleum, chemicals, petrochemicals, food products, and water.

Dish Roof Storage Tank
These are fixed roof storage tank with dish shape head. These are used for liquids at higher pressure.

Flat Roof Storage Tank
This is a fixed roof storage tank generally used for water storage.

Floating-Roof Tank
The roof of this tank rises and lowers with the stored contents, thereby reducing vapor loss and minimizing fire hazard. It is commonly found in oil refineries.

Low-Temperature Storage Tank
This tank stores liquefied gases at their boiling point. Products found in such tanks include ammonia (-28° F), propane ( —43.7° F), and methane (-258° F).

Horizontal Pressure Tank -Bullet Tank
Bullet tanks are usually shop fabricated vessels used to store products under high pressure. The heads of these vessels are either elliptical or hemispherical. The hemispherical heads are used when higher pressures are required.

Horton Sphere Pressure Storage Tank
This is a spherical tank, used to store large quantities of liquids and gases under high pressure. Often there is limited road access to a plant site. So it is easier to erect a Horton Sphere in the field instead of prefabricating it somewhere else and transporting it to site.